Thursday, May 21, 2009


This was Z the day he was born. So sweet! This is what I am reminded of because we have recently discovered we're expecting number 4. It was a total surprise, but no less a blessing. We have 3 boys, so time will tell what we get next.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Homeschooling a High Schooler

So I have finally made the concrete decision to HS my oldest, which has not been an easy desicion. It seems that I have quite a few people against this. He is disabled and has been in a special needs class since K, but he isn't ready for high school and all that it has to offer on the negative side.
I am excited. There, I admit it. I feel like I am doing the right thing for us and for him. It won't be easy at first, and we will have to work really hard to stay on a schedule. I am also adding my 3 year old to the schooling mix, not too much, just a little pre-k stuff. So I went from planning for one to planning for three. Yikes.
We shall see how it goes!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


He loves his weekly visit to the stable. He is the bravest one out there and not even 3 yet. His fearlessness really does scare me!